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執筆者の写真二又 俊文

(続々報)ドイツマンハイム地裁Nokia v. Daimler ドイツ連邦カルテル庁がCJEUに付託することを提案 20200623


(SEP研究会幹事提供情報)Nokia v. Daimler (case ID 2 O 34/19)のマンハイムでの審理に関し、マンハイム地裁は5月19日に最終弁論を行ったが、それに関しサプライチェーンで誰がライセンシーとなるかについてカルテル庁は、判決を中断し、ルクセンブルクのCJEU(欧州司法裁判所)に付託することを提案した。カルテル庁が投げかけた質問は4つある。

Firstly, is it an abuse of a dominant position if an SEP holder, such as Nokia, refuses to licence a supplier, but sues the end-product manufacturer (in this case Daimler) for patent infringement and injunction? Can Daimler plead that Nokia’s conduct towards a supplier contravenes antitrust law?

Secondly, is an SEP holder free to choose which company in a supply chain to sue for patent infringement, or is there fixed criteria?

Thirdly, the CJEU should define clear cases in which companies at certain stages of the supply chain can be excluded from a licensing offer.

Fourthly, are SEP holders free to decide to offer a FRAND licence only to companies at a certain stage in the production chain?

関連記事(JUVE Patent)




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