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 SEP研究会(標準必須特許 SEP Study Group Japan)

To read the following articles in full text, please visit our "Blog" page.

July 22 中国裁判所はプールロイヤリティ決定管轄を有する(最高人民法院)China's Jurisdiction over Global SEP Rates of Foreign Patent Pools
July 18 欧州委員会からのSEP関連入札 Bid Announcement on SEP report from EU-DG
July 15  InterDigital v Lenovo 英国控訴審判決 Global FRAND rate in UK appeal court

July 6 車のライセンス交渉グループ(ALNG)が独カルテル庁から容認される German ALNG approved by FCO
July 1  中国独禁当局SAMRがAvanciの独占リスクを注意喚起催促 Chinese SAMR alerts to Avanci's Antitrust Risk 

June 26  映像圧縮技術VVC report が発表 VVC report by IPlytics

June 19  USPTOとUKPTOがSEPに関する覚書締結 SEP MoU between USPTO and UKPTO
June 13 (講演) 「中国に於けるSEP 動向」資料 Shan Jiao弁護士
June 9  UPC(欧州統一特許裁判所)一周年(その2)Panasonic case among 5 major cases
June 8 UPC(欧州統一特許裁判所)一周年(その1)UPC One year anniversary(Part1)
June 3 ACT v. OPPO中国最高人民法院での判決紹介 ACT v. OPPO in SPC(China)

May 28  NEC v. TCL UPCミュンヘン支部での途中経過 NEC v. TCL in UPC LD Munich
May 25 ドイツミュンヘン地裁InterDigital v. Lenovoで差止命令 InterDigital wins induction against Lenovo in Munich RC
May 20 北京市知識産権局SEPガイドブック発表 SEP guidebook from Beijing IP Office
May 11 (論考) LES-Japan SEPシリーズ米国編  SEP Licensing Playbook by Mr. Mauricio A. Uribe
May 6 ファーウエイ(華為)の好調な業績と動向 Huawei's strong performance and trends 
May 1 サムスンが中国大唐にミュンヘンでSEP敗訴 Victory for Datang over Samsung in Munich Court

The SEP Study Group, which started its activities in 2013, regularly holds group meetings to discuss global SEP movements among  experts from industry, governmental agencies, attorneys and academics in Japan.  The group is independently managed by 15 volunteer experts.


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