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SEP研究会(標準必須特許 SEP Study Group Japan)
To read the following articles in full text, please visit our "Blog" page.
December 17 IPlytics Wi-Fi 6 Patent Report発表
December 11 中国独禁当局SAMRのSEPガイドライン日本語訳 SAMR's SEP Guideline Japanese Translation
December 9 中国発EVパテントプール発表 EV patent pool by Chinese OEMs announced
December 8 欧州委員会SEP新法制行き詰まりか? EC new SEP Reg. is stuck?
December 5 (講演)英国におけるSEP判例 日高誓子英国弁護士 SEP Judgement in UK by Ms Hidaka
December 1 中国最高裁パテントプールレート決定管轄に対する米国専門家意見書 US Amicus Brief on Pool FRAND Rate setting by Chinese courts
November 29 UPC Panasonic v OPPO判決 続報
November 25 UPC Panasonic v OPPO判決日本語訳 UPC Mannheim LD
November 23 Panasonic UPCでOPPOに勝訴、UPC初のSEP差止認容 First FRAND Ruling in UPC Mannheim LD
November 14 内閣府「知的財産推進計画 2025」の策定に向けた意見募集 JPN Call for public comment on IP Strategic Program 2025
November 13 USPTO長官Kathi Vidal 12月初め辞任を発表 USPTO Kathi Vidal announces She Will Resign
November 10 中国競争当局SAMRからSEPに関するガイドライン発表 Anti-Monopoly Guidelines for SEPs announced by China SAMR
November 6 パテントプールAccess Advanceと中国TCLが和解 AA's license agreement with TCL
November 1 Panasonic v. Xiaomi/Oppo係争終結目前 Final Settlement Approaching
October 23 (海外レポート) 5G SEP Report by 中国CAICT(2024年)
October 20 (論考)SEPと消尽 (Discussion) SEP and Exhaustion by 松永章吾弁護士
October 13 Panasonic v Xiaomi/OPPO今週の動き UK COA and UPC Mannheim Div
October 10 (速報) トヨタがAvanci 5Gライセンス締結 Avanci announces 5G Vehicle license agreement with Toyota
October 9 (講演)ブラジルにおけるSEP Trend in Brazil by Licks Attorneys
October 7 (速報)英国控訴審Panasonic v. Xiaomiでパナソニック敗訴し新展開 Panasonic v. Xiaomi in UK Appeal Court
The SEP Study Group, which started its activities in 2013, regularly holds group meetings to discuss global SEP movements among experts from industry, governmental agencies, attorneys and academics in Japan. The group is independently managed by 15 volunteer experts.
This website runs some advertisements in accordance with the requirement of Our group runs by members who volunteer their time and expertise.
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